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These side dishes are so delicious and perfect for thanksgiving or Christmas. These Easy side dishes include roasted brussel sprouts, sweet potato casserole, mac n cheese, roasted green beans, sauted carrots, sauted mushrooms, roasted broccoli, [More]
RECIPES WRITTEN BELOW! Thanksgiving is coming up soon in Canada and we know it can be tough being vegan around the holidays, so we want to share easy to make recipes that use simple ingredients [More]
Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and these plant-based side dishes deserve a place on your table! Get over 60 Vegan Thanksgiving recipes on the blog: https://frommybowl.com/vegan-gluten-free-thanksgiving-guide/ ✗ Want More Recipes? Get my COOKBOOK ➢ https://amzn.to/2Lr3ddK* IN [More]
Thanks Oatsome for sponsoring today’s video! Find Oatsome at the shelf-stable aisle of your local grocery store or click the link below to see where you can purchase online! https://geni.us/EdgyVeg In today’s video I make [More]
During my stay in the Philippines, I’ve met people who said they would like to try vegan cooking but the ingredients seemed expensive or inaccessible. So, I have come up with my top 10 vegan [More]
LEARN HOW TO MAKE THE BEST VEGAN MAPO TOFU RECIPE AT HOME! LAY HO MA!! Mapo tofu is definitely one of my all time favourite recipes. It’s salty, spicy, and when you scoop this amazingness [More]
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Cookingguide Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/Cookingguide Old fashioned vegetarian patties need to be prepared in a very particular way for the best possible results. Make old fashioned vegetarian patties with help from an accomplished cook [More]
Find the vegan alternatives for 12 dishes of Polish Christmas here: http://culture.pl/en/article/vegan-alternatives-to-the-12-dishes-of-polish-christmas The best recipe for comes from Toruń – Nicolas Copernicus’ home town. He was one of the greatest astronomers, but not only did [More]
今週の動画は、ビーガンラーメン! 皆様、数多くのリクエストどうもありがとうございました。なかなか一つのリクエストを選ぶというのも難しい部分がありますが(笑)今回はリクエストの中からラーメンを作らせてもらうことにしました。スパゲティを重曹を入れて茹でることで、かん水を入れて作られたのと同じ状態にしてラーメンの麺を作っていきます。普通のパスタが、完全にラーメンの香りと味になって面白いですので皆さんもぜひ試してみてください。 【材料 2人分】 味噌 60g 白練り胡麻 20g 豆乳 400g 水 400g ごま油 大さじ1 にんにく 一片 黒胡椒 少々 醤油 適量(塩気が足りないと感じた場合に足してみてください) 人参 50g キャベツ 50g しめじ 50g レンコン 50g もやし 50g パスタ 180g 水 2リットル 重曹 大さじ1 塩 大さじ1 【作り方】 《1》スープの材料を全て鍋に入れて、温める 《2》具材にする野菜を全て蒸しておく。 《3》パスタを重曹と塩を入れたお湯で茹でる。 《4》全ての材料を器に盛りつける。 【VEGGIE DISHES(ベジーディッシーズ)とは?】 ヴィーガン&オーガニックに拘った野菜料理を紹介する番組です。 ヴィーガンとは植物性の食材のみ(穀物・野菜・果物・ナッツ・キノコ・海藻など)で料理をすることを意味し、農薬や化学肥料を使用せずに育てたオーガニックの食材を使用します。野菜だけとは思えない程の美味しさと食べ応えのあるレシピを紹介していきます! ◇VEGGIE DISHESは毎週月曜日に更新! ◇VEGGIE DISHESの他のレシピはこちらから! →http://goo.gl/cD6m4O ◆【HP】http://www.peacefulcuisine.com [More]
We transform plant-based ingredients into super ‘meaty’ dishes that are 100% vegan. These are our Top 10 vegan meat alternatives to wow your carnivore friends and to scratch any of those itches you may have [More]
Subscribe today and give the gift of knowledge to yourself or a friend The Most Delicious Vegan-Friendly Thanksgiving Dishes 1 : Tofurky Roast 2 : Creamy Mashed Potatoes 3 : Vegan Gravy 4 : Vegan [More]
Okonomiyaki, The Savory Japanese Pancake – a meal in a pancake. Love it. So will the kids. Get the recipe http://www.saralynnpaige.com/food/recipes/okonomiyaki-the-savory-japanese-pancake/ Easy Vegan Sushi – sushi is just as good without raw fish. Get the [More]