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Vegan Enchiladas with Black Beans and Tomatillo Sauce | One Minute Recipes

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This quick, delicious meal is fun and easy to make. While there are many recipes online, this one differs because it is oil-free, cholesterol-free, and fat free (The only fat is that naturally occurring in the ingredients.), vegetarian, and completely vegan.

Recipe: Enchiladas with Black Beans and Tomatillo Sauce | One Minute Recipes — a la Le Tour de Plants

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★ About Le Tour de Plants ★
My dad died of a heart attack in 2001. I’ve spent the last 5 years trying to become fit and healthy, and have lost 45 lbs so far. Le Tour de Plants is about my journey to health. Now, I’m a competitive cyclist fueled by plant based foods. I appreciate the high carb, low fat, high raw vegan, RawTill4 approach to nutrition, the Engine 2 Diet, the McDougall diet — basically a heart-healthy diet. : )

Where to Find Le Tour de Plants
★ YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/user/LeTourDePlants
★ My 2nd YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/user/OneMinuteRecipes
★ Facebook: www.letourdeplants.com
★ Instagram: http://instagram.com/letourdeplants
★ Strava: www.strava.com/clubs/letourdeplants
★ Twitter: http://twitter.com/LeTourDePlants

Some of my favorite YouTube channels
★ www.youtube.com/user/durianriders
★ www.youtube.com/user/Freelea
★ www.youtube.com/user/1MINaDAY
★ www.youtube.com/user/HappyHealthyVegan
★ www.youtube.com/user/PotatoStrong
★ www.youtube.com/user/bananiac
★ www.youtube.com/user/BestTransformation
★ www.youtube.com/user/BiteSizeVegan
★ www.youtube.com/user/PlantbasedAthlete
★ www.youtube.com/user/powsimians
★ www.youtube.com/user/sugaraddict811
★ www.youtube.com/user/UnRealLivingHQ
★ www.youtube.com/user/highcarbrider
★ www.youtube.com/user/thevegancorner
★ www.youtube.com/user/mtbtips